The UN’s refusal to investigate allegations of war crimes committed in Sri Lanka evidences a lack of impartiality with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian con…
The UN’s refusal to investigate allegations of war crimes committed in Sri Lanka evidences a lack of impartiality with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian con…
7 replies on “Sri Lanka: A Case Study in UN Hypocrisy”
It is not obvious that GOSL has been involved in acts of genocide and that
it is systemic in the island. Ban Ki Moon described the human tragedy
suffered by the Tamils at the hands of ltte, as the worst witnessed in any
conflict anywhere in this world. HRC showed due process in israel. LTTE War
Crime allegations have to investigated. Given the evidence, HRC has option
not to accede 2 an INDEPENDENT investigation. After 61 years it is clear –
we need a not like two-state resolution for peace.
What is the substance of your argument? That it’s okay to disregard claims
of war crimes committed in Sri Lanka, but not in Gaza? Israel is a
sovereign state, just like Sri Lanka.
i didn’t say that. i said, you cannot compare the two conflicts, they are
different in nature. Israel is a state that was created by Britain (the
cause of most problems in the world today) and the US on Palestinian land
in 1947. That doesn’t mean I support Hamas and the other terrorists who
operate in that area. Israel has the right to make sure the terrorists who
attack them are dealt with. Terorrists are terrorists, there are no good
terrorists and bad terrorists.
Sri Lanka combated LTTE terrorism within the boundaries of Sri Lankan
sovereignty. Must consider Palestine as a sovereign state with a long
history, where Gaza stipe is recognized internationally as part of the
Palestinian territories.
welsaid, mbrown just eate synide!!
It is so obvious that GOSL has been involved in acts of genocide and that
it is systemic in the island. Ban Ki Moon described the human tragedy
suffered by the Tamils as the worst witnessed in any conflict anywhere in
this world. HRC showed due process in Iraq and Kosovo. GOSL/LTTE War Crime
allegations have to be investigated. Given the evidence, HRC has no option
but to accede to an INDEPENDENT investigation. After 61 years it is clear –
we need a Kosovo like two-state resolution for peace.
the two conflicts are entirely different in nature and historical
causation. attempts to draw comparisons are futile at best. sri lanka is a
sovereign state with full legitimate rights to combat a terrorist
insurgency. When Al-Qaida attacks in the US and we hunt them down, we don’t
compare to any other conflict. it is very clear that terrorism needs to be
rooted out.