By Lionel Bopage –

Dr Lionel Bopage
To All Honourable Members of Parliament
Assistance the passage of the proposed 19th Amendment to the Constitution
As you debate the above Constitutional Amendment in the Parliament under challenging circumstances, we believed that it is crucial to encourage you to see to its effective passage.
One particular of the key political reforms put to the men and women of Sri Lanka at the January 2015 Presidential election was the abolition of the Executive Presidency. The Presidential Election Manifesto and the different promises made in the course of the election campaign led the folks of Sri Lanka elect President Maithripala Sirisena in the belief that an interim national government, with Ranil Wickremesinghe as Prime Minister, will enact constitutional amendments to abolish the Executive Presidency. Nearly all political entities and men and women who supported the ‘Common Opposition Candidate’, with the exception of Pivituru Hetak Jathika Sabhava, had the strongest expectation of totally abolishing the Executive Presidency.
The same manifesto also pledged to: … … abolish the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and replace it with the establishment of independent Commissions in order to safe the impartiality of institutions such as the judiciary, police, elections, auditing and the office of the Lawyer-Common (p.16). These far-reaching constitutional reforms are fundamentally important for ‘good governance’ the individuals of Sri Lanka rightfully deserve.
We recognise that the proposed 19th Amendment to the Constitution will abrogate the 18th Amendment, and allow the establishment of Constitutional Council and other Independent Commissions. The Amendment also upholds suitable procedures for making judicial appointments and recognises the ‘Right of access to information’ held by the government.
In light of the truth that the comprehensive abolition of the executive presidency could only be achieved with the approval at a Referendum, AAGGSL strongly urges all political entities and folks to help the passage of the proposed amendment, irrespective of their political differences. This will at least ensure partial fulfilment of the aspirations of the majority of the citizens, who voted for establishing Very good Governance and enduring peace in Sri Lanka. Issues of electoral reforms – although critical – are secondary for now, and they can be and should be addressed in the spirit of items, responsibly and separately.
The recent Supreme Court decision – that the Parliament with two-thirds majority could (a) take away the Executive powers to appoint judges of the Supreme Court (b) appoint Police Commission, Public Service Commission, Human Rights Commission, Elections Commission and Bribery Commission – gives renewed impetus for the passing of these essential amendments.
We urge that you act in the ideal interest of the country at heart with courage and good will.
Please be advised that the AAGGSL respects the rights and will of all peoples of Sri Lanka, and is committed to supporting the establishment of practicing democracy and rule of law in our motherland. Strengthening democracy and empowering folks often acquire worldwide recognition.
Yours sincerely
Dr Lionel Bopage – President, Australian Advocacy for Good Governance in Sri Lanka